Thursday, August 14, 2008

An Independence Day Morning!!

For today’s bright morning that is laced with sunshine,
A special pride nests in the hearts of every one;
A pride that bears a different charm today,
Coz our independence turns sixty-one.

Freedom of the mind and the body
Is what our freedom fighters snatched from them!
And finally when it did meet our path
Why is it that our actions became slaves of condemn!!

Just as we walk away from the times of chains,
Wonder is just what I do;
Why does freedom of thoughts result many times in pain?
What is freedom of action actually leading us to…?

So, time to let the conscience reign
This morning is precious for times to come
Stand up and recognize the call of justice
Lets set an example for the corrupt lot of some!!


Sandeep said...

'Why is it that our actions become slaves of condemn'

August 15th has become just another holiday. Time it was taken seriously.

Lovely poem. And very apt too.

juhi munjal said...

Thanks Zulu! I know Ind day is just another day. Ditto for 26th Jan..