Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Winter Lesson

The snow barely feels melted

The trees with Ice kissed leaves hardly seem bent

The wind takes a swirl around my hair lock,

I almost feel touched by a blessing that’s Heaven-sent!

The sky seems touched by a hue

That leaves the cloud contours revealed,

Chapped lips that tell their story

Wish to now go zipped and sealed.

A serene silence is what they want

Let’s give them the winter peace

For ages, the dew that comes revisiting us

Season post season; now looks like dreamy grease

Grease that clouds our vision,

Makes us forget our true worth

Winters weren’t all about Oak and Teak

It’s also about the nebula of a tree - a sapling’s birth!

Birth is what touches us the most

But so does a second birth!

Second Birth happens when we look within,

When completeness covers the dearth!


J said...

Good job! I like it, but I suggest you come here and get a taste of this dreamy wonderland!

J said...

and in continuation to the first post, the temperature in Boston is -15C with snow everywhere, so now would be an ideal time to come!

juhi munjal said...

Thanks Jatin.

And the Boston visit offer at this time of the year will only be met with a resounding "Brrrrr......"!! :P

Anonymous said...

stop torturing people...... they will read this and hv fun or laugh on u sorry to say that..... but what i felt i told u


juhi munjal said...

Hey!First-up, thanks for 'wasting' time on my blog. To answer to your concern as rgds my blog's viewership- I write for my OWN inner joy & creative satisfaction. And yeah, If someone likes m poems and wants to show some appreciation, he/she is more than welcome. And for you and company, my buddy, I just have one thing to say, u're entitled to yr opinion, and yes-"don't like them,don't read 'em"...

However, I shall continue with my passion for writing, Coz it's my soul's calling. Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

well im sorry i shld not rt this but i ws in bad mood that day anyways all i want to say that whatever you wt is not in simulation and i believe you hv inspiring poet in u... all u need to polish ur self like a diamond


AAnkitg said...

hey juhi nice thots..

bt more relevant i guess for US...yahan ggn me i hardly see ne trees forget abt the Oaks..

bt i really loved the last line...

ending line

u see inner self when u r covered ..by darkness....

AAnkitg said...

an yeah..nice pics..you look gorgeous..