Monday, August 20, 2007



As I peel back the pages of my gone liaisons
And reflect on my formative years…
I see a face, a face that was my inspiration for a new sunrise each morning
A motivation to fight the world each day!!

As I curl up today, I wonder-what took you away from me??
I fail to understand what snapped the childhood ribbon…
Those dolls and lollipops that unwillingly I had to take to because of you
Well! Today they seem almost a distant dream

How I long for those giggles and innocent banters
The puerile appeal that almost clinched my young heart
The eyes that taught me how to see life as being beautiful
Well it’s all gone today! Coz the clock has ticked ahead!

The candy is left tasteless
The teddy bear seems dead!
Oh! Even if the pages wish to turn yellow
I’ll still make sure they turn Red!

Red! The color of your heart and mine
The emotion that first consumed us both, from the moment we recognized it!
The shadows still scream for your and my reunion!
Oh! Come and bring the liaison alive again, sketch a new sunrise for me again!

1 comment:

Sandeep said...

Yahoooo... at last!!! :)

This poem is my favourite! this one is GOOD!! its just so vivid and very clear.. its striking really with the use of the colour red and especially red.. a colour that expresses more emotions than any other.. Great work!!